2011년 1월 20일 목요일

GLPS life

Wow. Time flies!!
I'd been here for 3 weeks, and now I feel I'm starting to get used to the camp life. It's just like the past few weeks. I may write some more essays about " Out of the window ", but I think that it's quite difficult to write a good essay. Anyway, let me explain our daily lifestyle in GLPS.

7:00 AM - Alarm bell rings. I don't to wake up, but there's no exception in GLPS!
7:30 AM - I had a shower, got ready for my classes, and it's time for breakfast! I hope it'll be delicious :)
8:10 AM - Now I'm walking to my advisor classroom. I'm still sleepy, but cold wind of KMLA usually wakes me up in a few minute before I arrive at DASAN building.

Study-time....... plus lunchtime...

6:00 PM - I'm back here in my dorm room with my roommates. We are sharing some fun episodes which happened today in each other's class, and resting for a while before having dinner at the cafeteria.

7:00 PM - Now, we have to sit quietly and study for 2 hours. I usually read novels, or do my homework.

9:00 PM - Self study time is finished now. I have to choose what to do : go to the 12th floor for snack, or just stay in my room. I'd rather go upstairs and have some snack today. I'm starving to death!!!!

10:00 PM - I'm sitting on the floor with my roommates and room PA teacher. We're having HON-JEUNG time now.

10:30 PM - Another time of deciding what to do. I can go upstairs to the 11th floor and study more until 11:40 PM, or go to bed right now. Good night : )

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