2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain: "The legend of the heavystone temple" by Class 23

Title - " The legend of the heavystone temple "
          * It starts with " The most beautiful..... "

Introduction - My writing chain is called " The legend of the heavystone temple ". It is like a short fantasy novel, but it dosen't make sense honestly in the real world. I like it because the plot of the story is very interesting, and the connections between each paragraphs are well related. Also, the story was about the most beautiful architecture all around the world, called the Heavystone temple, but I changed as a moral stroy which let us learn that our behavior is more important than our facial beauty. This can be the another reason why I like this story a lot. I think it was our class did pretty good job, even though it was our first story.

 The most beauitful architecture in the world is called the Heavystone temple, which is hidden under the Mount. Everest. No one can stay or even visit there, except for the most beautiful person in the world.

 Once upon a time, there was a wormen who believed she was the prettiest woman in the world. Her name was Miranda Smith. Actually, She really was very beautiful, but she treated other people rudely. However, she thought that she was the best person in the world, and he believed that she could go to the Heavystone temple.

 One day, Miranda said that she wanted to go to the Heavystone temple to her servants, so some of her servants took her to the Mount. Everest. When she finally got there, she didn't know which ways to go to reach the Heavystone temple. Therefore, she decided to rest for an hour, and then it was when she found the signals telling her the way to the temple. She and her servants started to walk again, following the way which the sign signals told to follow. After 3 hours of restless walking, she found that there seemed to be no end of the road. Also, the sign signals were dissapeared. Even worse was that it was getting darker and darker. There was no choice but returning to her house, so she went back to her house sadly.

 Few days later, she went to the Mount. Everest again, to get to the Heavystone temple. It was her second climb, so she went to the place when she had given up before in 2 hours. She was resting for a minute when she saw someone walking forward to her. She felt curious, so she asked his name to the stranger. However, the strange man didn't reply to her question. She asked him again, but there was still no answer. She was confused at first, and started to get mad and thought, " How there he doesn't say anything to the most beautiful lady in the world! "

 Then, the man started saying. " My name is Concern, and I'm here to give you a chance to reach the Heavystone temple. You will only get one chance. I'll show you the girl who is heading to the Heavystone temple to get a medicinal herb which is essential as a cure for her mother's illness. "

 Suddenly, the blackhole sponged Concern and Miranda and landed them in front of a little girl called Anna. She was a cute girl, but she wasn't beautiful as much as Miranda. Anna was holding a basket to put her medicinal herbs. Then, Miranda hissed. " Why am I here? " Concern replied. " This is your chance. " Miranda understood what he meant as a chance and shouted to him. " OK! "

 Miranda went close to the little girl and asked. " Hey, girl. Where are you going? Anna answered. " I'm going to the Heavystone temple. Do you know the way to get there? " Miranda answered rudely. " You, listen carefully. I'm the only one who'll suceed to get there. So, you should forget about it. " Right after Miranda said that, she fell and felll, and when Miranda opened her closed eyes noticing that she stopped falling down, she was back at her house, and her face was as horrible as a monster.

My opinion about this story- I think that it's unrealistic, but it give us the important teaching about the value of behaviors. It's good story, but think that there's a part which needs more detailed explanantions like the scene Miranda is trying to success in her given chance.

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