2011년 1월 11일 화요일

SAT style writing ( After the movie " Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring "

 In the film " Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring ", I think that the teacher ( the monk ) is trying to teach that every creatures' life is valuable, and he is also trying to say that we have to think about what if I was in the same situationb before we do something to others.

 First of all, when the boy went to bed at night, the monk ties a big stone at the back of the boy. I think that he wanted to teach how bad the student's behavior towards other animals like a fish, a frog, and a snake was, by making a boy to experience how difficult and painful it is to move with an obstacle ( a rock ) in everytime. In my opinion, it seems like the monk's way of educating his student is very effective : a little boy acknowledged that he left the animals in big trouble, and follows his master's ( the monk ) order which is to go back and helps the animals from getting out of the dangers and difficulties the creatures are facing.

 Next, the most important teaching of a monk is an idea that every creatures' lives shouldn't be harmed or lost by other's excitement. It means that every lives in the world shouldn't be harmed or lost by others for no purpose. In the film, the student finds all 3 of the animals he disturbed, but a fish and a snake were already dead. A little boy finally recognized that he killed innocent animals. He truly found that every creature's life is valuable, and he cries sadly, feeling sorry for them.

 In addition, I have my personal experiece me and my friends clearly learned about the value of every living things' life in similar way with a little boy who appears in the movie. When I was in the first grade of the elementry school, my classmates went outside and poured a milk on the ground. Then, some students caught an ant and put it in the spilled milk. They laughed at the situation of an ant trying to get out of the poured milk to survive. When my teacher noticed about what happened, she told us to save the ant from drowning after our school finishes, but the ant was found dead. Most of us felt really sorry about it, and we learned about the real importance of every creature's life.

 In conclusion, I think that the monk wanted to teach about the value of life to his student, and I believe it was a very effective method of education.

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