2011년 2월 17일 목요일

Hello, My name is Jonas!

Hello! My name is Jonas, and from now on, I'm going to post my daily lifestyles on this blog.
First of all, let me introduce myself briefly.

As I told you before, I'm Jonas, and I'm getting trained as a next giver of our society. The recent giver is sending me some new knowledges and feeling nowadays, and I'm starting to think a lot about the problem of our society. There seems to be so many problems here.

Oh, it's time to meet the Giver!

2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Ode to my room

Dear my room

Hello, my room. This is your owner, Da won.
I like you very much, with great happiness.

You always makes me happy and comfortable whenever I'm in good mood or not. You always provides me a fantastic place to study whatever I'm working in. You always give a wonderful sunshine through your shiny big windows whoever visits my house.

It is a pleasure to sit inside you and rest for a while.
It is a joy to enjoy computer games with you smiling behind me.
It is a happiness to lean over my bed and watch your ceiling which is cover with a bright light which just look like a sun in the sky.

Yes, sometimes, very rarely, I behaved in a bad way to you.
I played with your thick and strong wall, kicking it.
I scratched your smooth and warm floor with my pencil.
I threw my bag and went outside of my room, leaving you with my school textbooks which annoys you.

HOWEVER, please remember that I like you a lot.

Amazing Race

We had 2 hours of Amazing race last weekend. It was very interesting, but also hard. We have to move all around the KMLA buildings, and the most difficult part was that we had to climb up the hill to the gymnasium, and there was nothing in the gym. Anyway, it was pretty fun!